International Federation for Automatic Control

SACAC is the nominated National Member Organisation for South Africa to IFAC.

IFAC is a world-wide organization supporting the development of Automatic Control theory, applications, education, and technical and social implications thereof. Its membership, based on the National Member Organizations (NMOs), ensures truly international participation. Individuals can participate in IFAC at different levels, from NMO representatives to affiliates, receiving the Newsletter information from our Secretariat. Members may also become involved in Technical Committees (TC), either by NMO’s delegation or by their own recognized expertise, International Program Committees (IPC) for events and more.

IFAC World Congress 2023

The 22nd IFAC World Congress took place in Yokohama (Japan) from 9-14 July 2023.

IFAC World Congress 2026

The 23rd IFAC World Congress will take place August 23-28, 2026 in Busan, Republic of Korea.



The IFAC-PapersOnLine series have the following main features:

Diamond Open Access – free of charge both for authors and readers.[1]
Papers are published under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND license, and can be shared in many flexible ways.
Copyright belongs to the authors, while IFAC gets exclusive publication rights.
The IFAC event Organizer Guide has been updated to include some changes in the publication procedures reflecting the new structure. An Editor’s Guide is available for the use of event editors.
Papers can be searched, cited, and individually downloaded.

[1] For papers published after January 1, 2020

All papers published in IFAC-PapersOnLine have undergone a peer review selection process according to the IFAC rules.

The IFAC Proceedings Volumes series, also hosted at the ScienceDirect web service, includes papers from IFAC events held between 1965 and 2015.