SACAC Mission Statement (Revised 31st March 2023)
The main function of SACAC is to promote the science and practice of automation and control for the benefit and economic prosperity of the people of South Africa. To achieve this broad aim, SACAC is involved in acquiring and disseminating information on automation and control by: 1. Organizing and participating in National and International Conferences, Symposia and Workshops on topics which are relevant to members. 2. Maintaining a formal association with IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) and other selected international organisations whose purposes are similar to those of IFAC. 3. Facilitating contact amongst researchers, practitioners, users and suppliers of automation technology. 4. Establishing contact with relevant national and international organisations.
SACAC Constitution (As accepted at the SACAC AGM of 31st of March 2023)
The South African Council for Automation and Control which shall operate as an organisation not for profit.
SACAC c/o Turners Secretariat, Turner House, 38 Jonsson Lane, Durban, 4000, or such other address to be determined by the Executive Committee and stated in the By-laws.
To promote the science and practice of Automation and Control for the benefit and economic prosperity of the Republic of South Africa, operating as a not for profit organisation.
4.1 Acquiring and disseminating information on research, development, applications and related matters in Automation and Control by:
4.1.1 organising national and international conferences, symposia and workshops on key topics;
4.1.2 forming Interest Groups in specialised topics;
4.1.3 forming Regional Groups to facilitate communication with, and within, specified regions in Africa;
4.1.4 developing and maintaining contact with relevant national and international organisations;
4.1.5 participating in national and international conferences in this field;
4.1.6 establishing formal associations with selected international organisations whose purpose is identical to, overlaps or includes, the purpose of the Council where such an association is beneficial and to do all those things required by the agreed terms of the association;
4.1.7 specifically, the Council shall actively seek to maintain affiliation with the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC).
4.2 Addressing problems of common concern in matters affecting automation and control which support the Purpose of the Council.
4.3 Conducting investigations, surveys or other specific projects whose results contribute to the purpose of the Council.
4.4 Such other activities as may be found desirable which support the Purpose of the Council.
4.5 No activities directly or indirectly promoting the self-interest of any member, employee or council member nor any activities conductive to collusion amongst members or in conflict with prevailing competition laws will be facilitated, as detailed further in the SACAC Competition Law Disclaimer.
Will be restricted to associations of persons or corporate bodies approved by the Council and whose subscriptions are in good standing, and shall consist of:
5.1 Members Universities, engineering societies and other corporate bodies or organisations, approved by the Council, which are active in advancing the Purpose of the Council and are not in the primary business of trading in this technology.
5.2 Business Members Corporate bodies or companies, approved by the Council, which are in the business of using or trading in this technology for commercial purposes and which are active in advancing the Purpose of the Council.
6.1 Shall consist of the following persons:
6.1.1 The President, the Vice-President and the immediate past President, each of whom shall have two votes and in addition the President shall have a casting vote. The Presidential votes replace their voting rights as nominees of Members or Business Members.
6.1.2 One nominee (or his/her alternate) of each Member, who shall have two votes.
6.1.3 One nominee (or his/her alternate) of each Business Member, who shall have one vote.
6.1.4 The Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer, who shall both be without voting power, unless qualified in terms of 6.1.2 or 6.1.3.
6.2. The Council shall be a Body Corporate and have an identity and existence distinct from its members and office-bearers.
6.3. The Council shall continue to exist notwithstanding changes in the composition of its membership or office bearers.
7.1 An Annual General Meeting of the Council shall be convened within three months of the commencement of each financial year for:
7.1.1 The presentation of an annual report and audited statement of account for the financial year just concluded. 7.1.2 Approval of the budget for the current financial year, that is, the year following that of the Annual Report and Audited Statement of Accounts.
7.1.3 Approval of overall objectives for the next period of one year, or a greater period if longer term objectives are applicable.
7.1.4 The election of: A President, who shall normally have been Vice-President of the preceding year. No person may serve as President for more than two consecutive years and will not then be eligible for re-election as President for a minimum period of two years after the completion of his/her term of office. A Vice-President. The elected members of the Executive Committee. All the above shall be elected from members of the Council and shall hold office from the time of their election until the end of the next Annual General Meeting and be eligible for re-election except as noted in
7.1.5 General Business
7.2 Other meetings may be called as required by the Executive Committee.
7.3 The Executive Committee shall call an Extraordinary General Meeting within six weeks of being requested in writing to do so by not less than one quarter of the Council.
7.4 One third of the total number of votes of the Council or twenty votes, whichever is the lesser, shall constitute a quorum for a meeting of the Council.
The business of the Council shall be managed by an Executive Committee consisting of the following persons, who may not be connected persons in relation to each other:
8.1 The President, Vice-President and Immediate Past President of the Council.
8.2 When the Immediate Past President is not available, a member nominated by the retiring Executive Committee.
8.3 Four persons elected from and by the nominees of the Members.
8.4 Four persons elected from and by the nominees of the Business Members.
8.5 The Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer appointed by the elected members of the Executive Committee, and who shall both be without voting power unless qualified under 8.2, 8.3 or 8.4. Both posts may be held by one person, who may not hold any other office of the Council.
8.6 The Executive Committee may, at its discretion, appoint additional members as follows:
8.6.1 Past Presidents of the Council who represent a Member or Business Member on the Council and shall hold office from the time of appointment up to the election of the new Executive Committee.
8.6.2 Not more than four co-opted members drawn from Member or Business Member bodies who have special skills and/or knowledge essential to the execution of the Committee’s work. These co-opted members shall both be without voting power and shall hold office from the time of appointment up to the election of a new Executive Committee.
8.7 In the event of an elected member of the Executive Committee resigning or vacating his position on the Committee, the Committee shall be entitled to co-opt a Council member to fill the vacancy so caused.
9.1 To manage and control the affairs of the Council with a view to the attainment of its Purpose.
9.2 To frame or amend By-laws, except that By-laws determining SACAC membership fees shall be approved at the Annual General Meeting of the Council.
9.3 To conduct the business of the Council, to collect subscriptions, to administer the funds, open a banking account, and generally to act as the agent of the Council in financial matters.
9.4 To call meetings of the Council when necessary to obtain specific authorisation for unusual undertakings or expenditure, or when required in terms of the Constitution or By-laws.
9.5 To appoint or dismiss staff.
9.6 To draft, or cause the preparation of:
9.6.1 an annual report
9.6.2 an audited statement of income and expenditure
9.6.3 a budget for the next financial year 9.6.4 a statement of objectives for at least the next one-year period
9.7 To accept donations on behalf of the Council for general use or for specified purposes.
9.8 To charge fees for admission to meetings, or otherwise to raise funds for use in the furtherance of the Purpose of the Council. 9.9 One of the President, Vice President or Immediate Past President and three voting members shall constitute a quorum for a meeting of the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee in dispensing the funds of the Council is presumed to be acting as its agent and the members will not be personally liable for the debts of the Council unless they have acted in bad faith or exceeded the powers conferred on them in this Constitution.
11.1 The Financial Year for the Council shall commence on 1 January and shall end on the last day of December of each year.
11.2 Annual subscriptions will be payable by Members and Business Members in such amounts to be determined by the Council and approved at the Annual General Meeting.
11.3 Monies raised under 9 above may supplement the annual subscriptions or be allocated to specific events but may generally not be the main source of income for the day to day activities of the organisation.
11.4 Funds will be utilized in furtherance of the organisation’s purpose and will not be distributed directly or indirectly to any person for any other reason.
11.5 No member will directly or indirectly have a personal or private financial interest in the organisation.
11.6 The organisation will not have a share or financial interest in any business, profession or occupation carried out by its members.
11.7 No remuneration will be paid to any member, office bearer, employee or other person that is excessive, or for services inconsistent with the organisation’s objectives.
11.8 No member, nor Executive Committee Member shall have rights in the property or other assets of the organisation solely by virtue of their being members or office-bearers.
The official language of the Council will be English.
13.1 Proposals to amend the Constitution or dissolve the Council may be made in writing to the Honorary Secretary either by the Executive Committee or by at least six Members or Business Members of the Council.
13.2 Proposals shall be put before a General or an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Council of which at least 21 days’ notice in writing shall be given, together with full details of the agenda. Such a meeting shall be held within six weeks of the date of receipt of such proposals.
13.3 Amendments of the Constitution shall become valid upon being approved by at least a two-thirds majority vote of those Members and Business Members present at a quorate General Meeting as defined in 7.4.
13.4 Upon dissolution, unexpended funds will be donated to an organisation having aims similar to those of the Council that is approved by SARS in terms of section 30 or 30B of the Income Tax Act, agreed upon by those present at the closing meeting.
Please feel free to download a PDF copy of our Constitution HERE.